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Published: 08/20/2022 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 538 Downloads: 0
ID : 29818
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Indian Children playing in New Delhi, India on Jan 02, 2013. Delhi witnessed its coldest day on Wednesday in the past 44 years, with the maximum temperature falling sharply to 9.7 degree Celsius. Residents woke up to a foggy morning, with the minimum temperature dipping to 4.8 degree Celsius. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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Indian Children playing in New Delhi, India on Jan 02, 2013. Delhi witnessed its coldest day on Wednesday in the past 44 years, with the maximum temperature falling sharply to 9.7 degree Celsius. Residents woke up to a foggy morning, with the minimum temperature dipping to 4.8 degree Celsius. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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